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If you're not careful and you noclip out of reality in the wrong areas, you'll end up in the Backrooms, where it's nothing but the stink of old moist carpet, the madness of mono-yellow, the endless background noise of fluorescent lights at maximum hum-buzz, and approximately six hundred million square miles of randomly segmented empty rooms to be trapped in

God save you if you hear something wandering around nearby, because it sure as hell has heard you
go back to discord faggot
go back to your mother
discord tranny thread
we did it plebbit
this is why /x/ is only filled with religious and alien shit now. You'll never find cryptid threads or creepypastas because faggots cant take a joke
It's not a joke. The backrooms original image/location was found on discord, someone came from discord to make a thread. Discord posters are NOT welcomed here.
this is 4chan buddy
shut up nigger
im from discord cry about it
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Do they realize people would pay just to be there in the original room
they're going to get spammed with calls from broccoli headed zoomers and some might actually get their parents to drive them there. It looks nothing like it did before the renovations though. I hope they monetize taking a picture in the original room, would be funny and absolutely destroy the mystery and appeal of the entire back rooms
is this an image of the modern building?
yeah, it's 807 Oregon St, Oshkosh, WI 54902, hobbytown USA
rc racing in the backrooms
do you have anymore of this this is sick
search the store location on youtube, there's a few
backrooms arent so scary after all, theyre fucking rad

The squeal of tiny electric motors as wheels paw at the endless carpeting. Once a hungry refuge beyond reality now invaded by RC enthusiasts and their swarm of mismatched racers. Innovations in broadcast technology has turned what once was a frontier beyond understanding into the world's favorite recreational crawlspace. Charging stations and power cables provide the umbilical for All Backrooms Racing. ABR has become the unlikely arena for global nation states to make war gently outshining even the Olympics with garage tinkerers out innovating defense companies. The backroom nightmare fauna provides even more excitement as the ABR's wheeled devices prove cheap enough to easily recoup from any predatory action or misadventure. Now with all the attention on this liminal realm tinny speakers play metal ballads as remote warriors pilot their destinies to the finish line!

imagine finding it first then having a bunch of zoomers find your find and act like they found it
The backrooms are still real (been there, don't bother trying to tell me otherwise, and no, there were no spooky monsters, zoomies!) and there are plenty more mysteries to solve. The OG pic being fake doesn't change that.
I had a dream one time I was in the back rooms. There was “something else” there with me. Closest thing I could describe it to was that monster from the maze runner. Either way the way out of the back rooms was up. If you find yourself in the back rooms keep going up. Punch out those shitty ceiling tiles if you have to.
I didn't see any other creatures when I was there but I did sense what felt like pure malice. It sent me straight into flight mode. I can't recall what happened after that but I found my way back home somehow.
kill yourself fag
Blessed with endless aisles of mannequins .. like the first episode of the reboot of doctor who huh?+

Life is terrible for everyone except you... your life is.. beep boop catered for you to boop as boring as you are....
But that's not anyone else's problem but you.

Can turn it around any time though.
No matter how low always way out yippeeee

I refuse to live....like that hhhhh
All because one anon wanted to fuck around on /x/ in 2019.
>thinking jokes are welcome here.
Get murdered.
More like, the Radrooms amirite
lolno. likely a bunch of obnoxious rizzed out tik tok zoomer faggots will show up with their phones and all the RCfags there will just pretend not to be annoyed by them just as long as you give them the free publicity
live feed of the backrooms


>my boss felt threatened by her x but didn't change the number...

>14% battery though so like...

>idk if o'm on the correct frequency

wait forgot that's voice mail only

not 3 B10 B3too4
>to see be think outside the 2
damn this is boring af

>whatever jesus


>thanks for understanding senpai
There's a website that allows you access to all webcams and security cameras of the world without protection, hundreds and hundreds of them.
They're all boring af.
Nothing interesting is happening anywhere.
How do liveleak fags get all the cool vids then?
There was the hospital room with the weird dummies and the house full of cats.
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WOWZERS! Look at those heckin’ digits of repeaterinos!
Hey what’s a “joke”?
STFU, I will sleep there.
backrooms is the gayest "horror" shit ever.
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yeah, when furry gaymerfags got into it
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The Backrooms aren't even the most fucked up and weird alternate dimension in Wisconsin.
We did it, Reddit!
I hate all of you so much.
>muh liminal spaces

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