The Liminal Spaces Blog


Here's some of my images about new places I discovered recently

From the city where I usually im: Outside view

Inside view

From other city where I don't often visit it, this is a pic of an a place that took me a surprise while I was traveling to return home

30/6/24 Gallery


I haven't have much to show here today, but there's some of my shoots to some liminal spaces I found today

closed offices for sale

trying here to show better the inside but the sun doesn't let to have a better vision of inside

the view from another windows

the view outside of the offices

and one of my last pics before end the day at outside

It seems this image is corrupted

29/6/24 Gallery


This is the only place I could shoot today so while my friend was looking for his bike, I was waiting him here

the view facing to the exit

28/6/24 Gallery


I only say these shoots I made it randomly so no more comments to say

at the dentist waiting. There was a random TV that was playing radio near the fake ceiling. That gave me a familiar feeling

And when I was going for the elevator in a mall, the place of the stairs near where the elevator, it was some kind of weird place or something

ups! I pressed the incorrect floor (floor 1)

27/6/24 Gallery


After a time without posting here, we have some of new images for you.

Do you remember the abandoned daycare I found a time ago? I returned to that site for have more and better pictures about that place because
I'm sure that place will be get downed in little time for make another store or anything rare there for sure

My best try to shoot good the place

someone in internet told me in that window there were eyes inside, but I only see more fluorescent lights in the ceiling and nothing more

more images from inside the daycare

arround 2PM, me and my friend have to return to our houses because it was too late

we entered into a garage where my friend puts him bike and left it for a later time for when he will want to use him bike

looks like this one captured the powder in the air for some reason

and some of my last pics before returning home (first one is a abandoned furniture store)

and this last one about a physiotherapic store?? looks like a hallway with empty stores where it have doors inside it'll leads to nothing or the void

26/6/24 Gallery


Today we start after going to a pool because it was about to close

we were about to use randonautica and get a random location to find something random

at the start of the journey, we found this abandoned daycare

inside view

so then, we were starting to returning our homes because we haven't had anything to do with the little time we had

while we were returning home, something stood out in the environment of the place we were beeing at that time, so I decided to shoot it

and a few meters away from this place, we found this old abandoned store that was all about cutting wood

a phone number about a garage. It would be probably about this place

looks like the fake ceiling is getting bad by the past of the time

strange exit leads to nothing for sure

and some videos I shooted after going out from this site

22/6/24 Gallery


Today I tested with a few shots the new Kodak camera going everywhere we did could go

first, we went to a uncrowded road with a rare aspect (may the rare aspect only happends into my mind to me)

Here we were been returning to our city

And some time later, we were trying to find a rest place, but this place gave us a surprise

with stairs view

there was a park inside there. too weird

21/6/24 Gallery


OMG AN EXIT!!!. Spoiler: There isn't any exit. you are trapped in a endless world of just office rooms in a unterminable labyrinth

Yeah, I was bored while writing this because I couldn't make interesting shoots these days but I have news, today I obtained a Kodak M530 for make better shoots!

Hope you'll enjoy these shoots with this new camera, if you like it!

Edit (10:13PM): I tested the Kodak camera today. This is the results

tomorrow I may try a video testing with this camera, so if I make any video tomorrow, I'll post here tomorrow

20/6/24 Gallery

16/6/24 "The big update"

For people who enjoy the liminal spaces, this is your day...

Today, we start at the garage of a mall. We were dying of hot outside so we decided to rest in a fresh place, but I suggested to go to the garage because there was more fresh the environment than the mall

the garage of the mall is a high liminal space, so we decided to take ourselves some shoots. There is my shoots of the garage

Here is the rest place where we were sitting a little time

after a time, we decided to go without any specific point to outside

We weren't conscient until we found closed store, what was like the classic backrooms liminal space. That made us think we could find more of this places searching for sale stores and we started finding "for sale" stores

and just a few meters, we found another place, but it wasn't a "for sale" store if I think good

some time passed and we were going to show to a friend a place that looks like a backroom (PD: I couldn't shoot today that yellow zone bout I have an old shoot about that room)

some meters down the street of the "yellow room", there was an another place with a similar apareance than the photo of the "yellow room"

we just find a lot of rare places today but these last before I went returning home, for me they're the best of this day, specially the last one

These lasts ones is with low & high exposure time with another camera

16/6/24 Gallery


Dear liminal spaces lovers... today I haven't got good news because I didn't took the enought shoots and good shoots today put I made what I could do

I didn't found any liminal space except this rare scene what made me some sensation of scary or anything rare. This one was at a mall

and when returning home I made this random shoot

I know these pics aren't the best because I wasn't on good places so mabye in the few days I could get more shoots for the next posts

15/6/24 Gallery


Okay, I just don't know how to react to these photos because these are the best shoots I think I made here

So here, I didn't took any morning shoot, but I made some shoots arround & inside the house of a friend while waiting him to go down

Here is the mid-outside place

Then, when some time passed while we were with bikes going arround the city, we need to get the bikes inside the house and I waited they another time

that time was enought to get these pics (for me these are the best)

Who wants to go down? :)

And I made a short video exploring the last pic

The bad new is I couldn't take a pic of the stairs at the second 16, but probably, another day I might will take a pic of the same place

14/6/24 Gallery


This day was boring, but good for shoot liminal places because not too much people came here

This first shoot I couldn't shoot good by the exposure, but afortunately, I have another shoot nearby the place where the original has been taken

later, we had computing class but they let us to make cars in lego. There weren't too many people

before go out from the place, I had to help some people to wear things to some sites. Going to bathroom, I see they're a lot abandoned

And when I went out of the bathroom, I shoot this one (PD: It was the hour to go out from the place)

13/6/24 Gallery


I made today 2 shoots but I need to tell the second one has people and I don't want to show it because people in images quits the sensation of liminality

So this morning, while being boring I shoot this one because there weren't anyone inside the class

Then, I made another one later about my courtyard but there where people in the image so I can't show it

But I have a reference without people about my courtyard but is from the 5th of June (1 week before)

Searching for a little time, I found this photo without knowing that it was stored on my PC

12/6/24 Gallery


Today I'm just woke up today from a dream about a liminal labyrinth mall and I saw this when I went to my kitchen (PD: That dream was so weird)

After that, in class, they sent me to some photocopys but the managers of the printers taked a long time and while the printer managers was busy, I wanted to go to the bathroom and just when I went inside, I saw this

then, I did could take a photo at a time of a scene that remembers me about a rare backroom video I saw too much time ago in YouTube

11/6/24 Gallery


Do you ever walked through liminal spaces wandering randomly in these? Just see what you can find wandering some random sites of one city

Walking throught these hallways, you can think "too shure there aren't anything interesting" but when you least expect it, you will think you're just in a dream (PD: Is the real life)

Yeah and sometimes you can find without expect it some sites to stand without any people. that's peacefull

After a time ago, we where walking to somewhere in the city and you know how can looks like an abandoned store of anything

09/6/24 Gallery


Today i made some shoots at school with a camera. Afortunately, I made good shoots being alone in these hallways and i got enought time to shoot all the photos of today (that is be lucky!)

then, days before these shoots, I shoot this one about an empty classroom.

03/6/2024 Gallery